Which CSS framework would you love to see in SilverCart?

Obviously we will have to face that, with the upcoming release of SilverStripe 3, our eCommerce module SilverCart will have to adapt to the changes in the underlying framework. Quite a bunch of work is waiting out there for us pixeltricksers.

While we're at it, it might make sense to rethink our decisions on the CSS framework.

As you know, we initially chose to go with the CSS framework YAML (not to be confused with YAML: YAML Ain't Markup Language) for practical reasons. We were simply used to it from previous projects and did not think much farther ahead.

To be perfectly honest, the idea to publish SilverCart as Open Source Software came up later in the development process when most parts of the implementation were already done. Right before the release we had to get the permission from the author Dirk Jesse to be able to distribute the framework along with the SilverCart source code.

Based on the feedback we received at our presentation in London, at the Mail Order World Tradeshow and by listening to other SilverStripe enthusiasts it seems that this maybe was not the perfect solution for an international scenario.

Right now we are discussing the pros and cons of a different framework. There are quite some valid options: Yahoo YUI Grids CSS, 960grids, blueprint, YAML (still!), jQuery UI CSS Framework

We are working hard to make SilverCart a little bit better for you each day, but we really need your feedback and input on this one:

Which CSS framework would you love to see in SilverCart?