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Topic Cross selling usage 1568 Views

Cross selling usage

29 May 2013 at 8:46am


Just experimenting with the cross selling module.

Is it possible to exclude a product from appearing in the widget area?

If I use the cross selling module to reference objects of a product group, all the products can be used, including the main product (the one that has the cross selling widghet attached) itself if it belongs to the product group.

Would it possible to set up an exclusion product? That way you could put all related products into the a product group, and then use the cross selling module to use that group and exclude the product that calls it. For example, golf products that include golf balls, tees and markers could all put into a mirror group (Golf). Then each product call use the cross selling widget to call items in the Golf group, and exclude themselves so that the golf tee doesn't appear in the sidebar of the same golf tee.

I hope this makes sense.
