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Topic [resolved] What is the field called "Addition" used for and why isn't it on the registration form? 1660 Views

[resolved] What is the field called "Addition" used for and why isn't it on the registration form?

4 November 2013 at 9:36am Last edited: 16 November 2013 1:16pm


An address has a field called "Addition", which does not appear on the on the registration form, but we have it on both the checkout form and the form used to edit a given address at Address Overview.

What is the idea behind this filed?

Thanx in advance,

Re: [resolved] What is the field called "Addition" used for and why isn't it on the registration form?

5 November 2013 at 12:43pm

Hi Szabesz,

the field Addition is used for additional address information needed to ship the ordered products.

Perhaps the customer want to add something like Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.

Best Regards

Re: [resolved] What is the field called "Addition" used for and why isn't it on the registration form?

5 November 2013 at 12:56pm

Hi Sebastian,

Thanx again. In my current project I do need an Appt. number (apartment number), so I can safely rename it in this case and include it in registration form too. I was thinking about this before, but since it is not included in the registration form, I thought there is something else to it.

Shouldn't it be included in the registration form as well by default?


Re: [resolved] What is the field called "Addition" used for and why isn't it on the registration form?

5 November 2013 at 1:07pm

Hi Szabesz,

yes, you can safely rename this field for your purposes.

And yes, you are right.
This field should be added to the registration form by default.

Best Regards

Re: [resolved] What is the field called "Addition" used for and why isn't it on the registration form?

16 November 2013 at 1:16pm

Just added the address addition field to registration form for the next version (1.3.10).