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Topic Implementing my theme... but it's not really working ! 3177 Views

Implementing my theme... but it's not really working !

9 April 2012 at 10:31pm

Hello everyone !

I am trying to implement my own SilverCart theme.

I created a folder 'svs_silvercart' in 'themes' and activated the theme via _config like this :


I copied the silvercart templates *.ss to modify them in my theme.


$Themedir directs me to 'themes/svs/'
(I'm not at ease with the added '_silvercart')

How do I call my css files ? How not to call the css from the basic SilverCart theme ?

Re: Implementing my theme... but it's not really working !

10 April 2012 at 9:57am

Hello Vroxane,

the theme name you set via "SSViewer::set_theme" should match your theme folder name, so you should rename the folder "themes/svs_silvercart" to "svs" or set "SSViewer::set_theme('svs_silvercart');".

When the theme directory is setup correctly, SilverCart will automatically use your CSS files instead of the system files.

You'll just have to place them inside "themes/{svs OR svs_silvercart}/css/screen/custom/" and name them like the SilverCart files located in "silvercart/css/screen/custom/".

There's also a documentation section with more information at "".


Re: Implementing my theme... but it's not really working !

10 April 2012 at 12:19pm

Okay, then !

I'll try this tonight, thank you !
(I got troubled by the blackcandy_silvercart stuff in the documentation... it wasn't that clear for me)

I'll get back here to keep the forum updated ! :)

Re: Implementing my theme... but it's not really working !

12 April 2012 at 12:28pm

Sorry ... I don't get it !

I had to remove the line    


in mysite/_config to install Silvercart. After the installation, I placed this line instead


In my themes/svs_silvercart file, I have the following :

- css
- screen
- custom
- here I copied the original SCart css files
- layout.css
- images
- templates
- Includes
- Layout

Silvercart doesn't even show my html code :(
What am I doin' wrong ?

Re: Implementing my theme... but it's not really working !

12 April 2012 at 2:50pm

Hi Roxane,

to be honest I don't know what the problem could be.

Could you send me your themes and mysite directories to "skoehler [at] pixeltricks [dot] de", so that I can have a closer look?


Re: Implementing my theme... but it's not really working !

13 April 2012 at 1:29pm

It won't be necessary !

Removing the _ from the folder name did the trick : it appeared in the dropdown theme selector in the admin !